Have High-Stakes Conversations


Master the 4 step method to speaking up with unmatched clarity, purpose, and ease, in those important conversations when it matters most.

Create a world where your voice becomes your most powerful tool, enabling you to express your thoughts and feelings confidently to your closest people.

Whether you're leading meetings at work, chatting at home with family, redirecting children, vlogging, or singing and acting on stage, the Confident Communicator (TM) method gets results.

Your Transformation is Here

Picture a day where you’re seamlessly speaking your truth, where conversations with loved ones flow naturally, and your self-expression and self-love flourish. 

This isn't just a dream—it's what The Confident Communicator (TM) helps you to achieve. 

No more holding your tongue or feeling like no one is listening. This is your moment to say YES to yourself, to BECOME someone who speaks their mind. 

The Confident Communicator (TM) Mastermind Program provides you with a learning experience unlike anything else out there: 

  • Break free from past restraints and explore the beliefs shaping your speaking expression.

  • Level up with lessons on posture, breathing, and body language, setting the foundation of your voice.

  • Step out of your comfort zone gradually, keeping anxiety in check.

  • Dive into self-reflection with journals and visualization exercises tailored for communication growth.

  • Prepare for your toughest speaking scenarios, turning fear into confidence.

  • Discover your unique vocal strengths and how to amplify them.

  • Navigate emotions and anxiety with strategies that keep you grounded and expressive.

What’s Included In Your Journey:

—Lifetime Access to 8 self-paced modules, 32 video lessons, each packed with comprehensive, research-backed voice and communication strategies.

—12 weekly LIVE group coaching sessions with Erin for deep dives, exercises, and a safe space for peer rehearsals.

—Supplemental content: 60 page workbook, slide deck, audio meditation files, exercises and journaling.

—12 weeks access to the Confident Communicator Club, an online community forum for posting Q&A, getting feedback on your work, and direct access to Erin in this live peer community.

 —BONUS: “Aligned Listening” Bonus Course: Worried you will do all the work of this program, but the people around you still won’t react positively? The ALIGNED LISTENING bonus course will help you respond to the people around you in new ways through active listening.

 —BONUS: “Confident Communicator Mindset Bundle”: Feeling unfamiliar with woo-woo stuff, or psychology-based practices? Don’t sweat it. This bonus gives you extra meditations, affirmations and audio files to get used to rewiring your brain for positive voice change.

Meet Your Guide:

Meet Erin, the creator of the CONFIDENT COMMUNICATOR™ method. With over two decades of experience, Erin has guided countless individuals in harnessing their speaking oices for clear, powerful, and expressive communication. The CONFIDENT COMMUNICATOR™ is her life's work, blending the science of communication, the art of expression, and the energy of the voice to empower women globally.

Your Voice, Your Power

Your voice is the bridge between your mind and heart, capable of transforming thoughts and emotions into actions that resonate. It's time the world heard your message!

You know you were meant for more, you know you have brilliant ideas, you know you were meant to contribute something beautiful to this world and speaking it out is the first step. 

Let The Confident Communicator Mastermind be your guide to creating that world and living your best life. Join us on this journey to speaking with authenticity and confidence, and start living your truth today.


  • Yes, you can! The concepts in this program have been created to support speakers of all types from performers to everyday conversationalists and no matter what stage you’re at, clients will experiment with their voices and bodies, and build a new vocabulary of speaking terms and skills.

  • Absolutely, and you should! This course is an amazing way to build your team's competence around emailing, messaging and verbally speaking to each other in meetings, in passing conversations, and in public settings. No matter what industry you are in, we all speak to each other and we all need to build competence around communicating within relationships of all types, at work and at home. Email Erin directly to discuss group access and pricing using the contact form at the bottom of this page.

  • No, at this time the Confident Communicator is strictly an online platform. If you’d like to inquire about hosting Erin as a live speaker at your event please contact us using the contact form at the bottom of this page.

  • Due to the digital nature of our products, we do not offer any refunds at this time.

  • Yes you will! At the completion of the program, you will be emailed a personalized Certificate of Completion issued by Erin Roberts, which you can add to your list of credentials. Erin Roberts Coaching s not an accredited institution.


The CONFIDENT COMMUNICATOR (TM) is also available in two other pricing packages:

Self Paced Course only

Private 1-1 Coaching Experience