Transform Your Voice,
Transform Your Life


I’m passionate about bringing the Confident Communicator™ method to women who are growing into their best selves, and my bigger mission is elevating women’s voices everywhere, helping women be heard, and helping women express the dynamic, brilliant people that they are.


The voice is an incredible power source that lives inside our bodies, and we can learn to harness it to create the life of our dreams.


Communication is our tool for taking ideas and feelings, which live inside the body, and expressing them out into real life, manifesting what we desire. 


When we use speaking to create what we truly feel, we are aligning the inner and outer versions of ourselves, creating authenticity in everything we do. 

Your passionate, curious, soul-led Communication Coach.

In 2015 I was in the wrong marriage, wrong job, financial ruin, and had such horrible anxiety that I drank to cope...all because I didn't know how to SPEAK MY TRUE THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS in the high stakes moments that mattered most.

Today, I'm happily remarried with two beautiful children, in a career I love, creating wealth beyond my wildest dreams, and free of substance abuse, all because I discovered the CONFIDENT COMMUNICATOR (TM) METHOD, the 4-step system I created to use my speaking voice authentically and express who I really am in my relationships with my friends, family and colleagues. 

You can use this method to speak your truth too - let me show you how!

Erin’s Story

I'm Erin, your go-to Vocal Empowerment Coach, driven by passion and curiosity, but that’s not how my story started…

8 years ago I was stuck in a life that felt like it wasn't mine - I was divorced, bankrupt, in a job I hated, and so lonely that I drank to numb my feelings. I saw myself as a dynamic, high value woman, so how did I get here??

I realized I was going to have to blow up my life because I had created it under false pretenses - I hadn't been speaking out my true thoughts and feelings to the people around me. My whole life was built on a fake version of myself that I presented out to others in an attempt to make them like or approve of me, and it was making me deeply unhappy on the inside. When those high-stakes conversations came up, I lacked the skills and courage to say what really needed to be said.

Through years of therapy, books, support groups, courses, and trial and error, in addition to decades of formal voice and communication training, I developed the 4-step system that I use today with women all over the world, teaching them how to use their voice as their biggest power source. I love watching my clients grow into their most confident selves by speaking up for who they really are, and watching as their relationships not only survive but actually blossom.

Join me in this movement to confident communication - learn the 4-step method today!

Erin Roberts



I’m a ⅖ splenic projector in human design, with a Taurus sun, Sagittarius rising, and Virgo moon in my astrological chart. I’m a singer, guitarist, flute player, actor, tap dancer, painter, and lover of all arts. I’m a Minnesota native but a California girl at heart. I’m a mother of 2 little people, mother of 2 little cats, I’m a wife, sister, daughter, and embodiment of the Queen goddess. I can’t live without strong coffee, dark chocolate, baths, and books.


A passion for vocal empowerment.

A love of singing, acting, and speaking.

Authenticity and practicing what we preach.

A space for exploration and connection.

Kindness and empathy.




Toxic people.

Railroading in conversations.

Bullying or gaslighting.




M. Ed. Teaching & Social Emotional Learning - National University

B. A. Vocal Performance - University of Minnesota

Certification in Teaching Online - National University

Certificate in Neuro Linguistic Programming - Priority Academy Ltd

Certificate in the New Science of Singing - John Henny 

Certificate in Expressive Arts Therapy - Expressive Arts Institute of San Diego 

200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher Certified - Yoga Alliance 

Reiki Energy Work Certified - Level 2

Sound Healing Certified Expert - Life Changing Energy

Professional performance experiences with San Diego Opera, San Diego Symphony, Sacra/Profana Chorus, Grossmont College Master Chorale, Diversionary Theatre, La Jolla Playhouse. 

Professional teaching experiences with San Diego Unified School District, La Mesa Spring Valley School District, San Diego Junior Theatre, Young Artists of San Diego.

No more holding your tongue

Enroll in my FREE masterclass, "4 Steps to Having High Stakes Conversations With Confidence," and start speaking your truth today.