Do you like your voice?

Do you like your voice? 🤔Do you want to like your voice? Let’s examine what you believe about your voice and why.

Reflecting on these questions ❔ can help unlock your true, authentic vocal qualities of who you really are as an everyday communicator.

📝 From a clear, relaxed state of mind, jot down the first adjectives that come to mind when you think of the question, "how would you describe your voice?"

Avoid overanalyzing or overthinking it; note your initial thoughts and jot them down.

After creating your list, take a moment to reflect on your descriptions, where do you think these came from? Are there specific memories or moments that come to mind?

While looking at this list, consider the following:
🎤 Are these words benefiting you or holding you back?
🎤 Do you want to continue holding these words and believing them, giving them power?
🎤 What can you do to start releasing the words that no longer serve you?

To continue exploring past beliefs about your voice download my FREE guide and learn a simple 3 step process to start rebuilding the vocal confidence YOU DESERVE.


To feel confident in your voice….


What is an empowered voice?